
Thought leadership

Our credentials in the application of the Behavioural Sciences to International Arbitration have been demonstrated by the contributions of our staff and associates to academic and professional publications. Collectively, we have written or contributed to more than 10 books and 50 journal articles in legal and scientific publications on dispute resolution.

Arbitration: The Art & Science of Persuasion

"In developing strategies to persuade an arbitration panel of the correctness of the clients claims, contributions from psychologists, sociologists, and experts in communications science have all contributed numerous concepts that can be employed to significantly enhance the effectiveness of the lawyer’s persuasion efforts.”

Donald E. Vinson / Klaus Reichert, Oxford University Press, 2022

Book Reviews & Articles

"Amidst the vast ocean of books on international arbitration, this book is both unique and remarkable...Counsel in international arbitration will find this book to be both fascinating and rewarding in providing a highly analytical aide memoire of the do’s and don’ts for making an effective presentation in international arbitration, as well as guidance as to the process for making the right strategic decisions on presentation."
Ricky Diwan KC
Arbitration International
"It is not often that one encounters an arbitration-related book that is truly innovative ... In this groundbreaking study, the authors explain how key concepts from psychology, sociology and communication science can be applied to the art of persuasion in international arbitration ... Despite its deep theoretical underpinnings, the book provides a highly practical treatment of techniques of persuasion that counsel can readily employ to enhance their advocacy skills ... Sit back and enjoy this insightful read. You will be well rewarded."
Mika Savola
Independent Arbitrator
"El libro de Donald E. Vinson y Klaus Reichert pone de relieve lo importante que resulta para la práctica del arbitraje internacional adoptar una perspectiva multidisciplinar ... Este libro será de gran utilidad tanto para los abogados que quieran desarrollar ese arte como para los árbitros que quieran mejorar su proceso de toma de decisiones."
David Arias
Spain Arbitration Review
"This is an exceedingly useful book ... (it) examines the psychological strategies and techniques for developing and delivering the most persuasive presentations to international arbitrators ... (it) provides ideas and concepts from the social sciences and then shows us how to use them to develop effective persuasion strategies."
John Howard
The Globe - Illinois Bar Association
"The two-hour training... uncovered and unraveled the book on how international arbitration and behavioral science intersect, as well as the key to effective advocacy before arbitral tribunals, particularly in the areas of opening and closing statements."
Ajoo Kim
(Assistant Editor for Investment Arbitration) Kluwer Arbitration Blog
"The book uncovers the place of the psychology of communication in the building of strategy in the multicultural dispute forum which is international arbitration, and has thus become an indispensable tool for those who navigate the murky waters of transnational disputes."
Kamalia Mehtiyeva
International Journal of Procedural Law
,,Arbitration: The Art & Science of Persuasion" ist eine kurzweilige und gebündelte Darstellung der relevantesten verhaltenswissenschaftlichen Einflüsse im Schiedsverfahren und dient insbesondere Einsteigern als hilfreiche guideline für die effektive Arbeit im Blick auf erste Mandate. Auch für Fortgeschrittene liefert das Buch auf 218 Seiten interessante Anhaltspunkte zur Reflexion eigens angewendeter Taktiken. Grundsätzlich ermöglicht die Arbeit von Donald Vinson und Klaus Reichert eine erfrischend neue und ebenso elementare Sicht auf das Schiedsverfahren. Diese Einblicke sollten für alle Praktiker von großem Interesse sein.
Dr. Boris Kasolowsky
Partner und Felix Richolt, Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter, Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer, Frankfurt am Main in SchiedsVZ